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Extech SL355-KIT-3 Personal Noise Dosimeter/Datalogger Kit original extech brand price in Pakistan

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Product Description

Extech SL355-KIT-3 Personal Noise Dosimeter/Datalogger Kit original extech brand price in Pakistan 

For employees that are exposed to loud noise, sound level monitoring is essential to determine what protective measures are required. Perform OSHA and IEC Noise accumulation surveys to determine total sound exposure over an 8-hour period. The SL355-KIT-3 comes with three compact, lightweight Dosimeters with USB interface designed to test noise exposure and provide noise surveys for compliance with OSHA, MSHA, DOD, ACGIH, and ISO standards. Includes PC software to control setup and retrieve stored events or analyze real-time measurements.



  • Perform OSHA and IEC Noise accumulation surveys
  • One user-defined measurement setup for each SL355
  • Adjustable Criterion Level, Exchange Rate, and Threshold
  • Measures frequency weighted noise exposure and peak sound level simultaneously
  • Sound level mode displays sound level, time-averaged sound level (Leq), peak, & sound exposure level (SEL)
  • USB interface with Windows® compatible software
  • Each SL355 stores up to 20 dosimeter surveys. Data includes Start/Stop Time, %Dose, %Dose projected for an 8 hour period, and peak level when used in Dosimeter mode to control setup and retrieve stored events or analyze real time measurements
  • Kit includes three SL355 with belt clip, clip-on 0.5" microphone with 2.6ft (0.8m) cable, Sound level calibrator (407766), 3 AAA batteries, mini screwdriver, software, USB cable, and case



Standards                             IEC61252 ,ANSI S1.25(1992) for dose and sound exposure meters
                                               IEC 60651-1979 Type 2 for sound level meters
                                               ANSI S1.4-1983 Type S (1) for sound level meters
Ranges                                  60 - 130 dB / 70 to 140dB (A/C Weighting)
                                               60 to 130dB / 93 to 133dB (C or Z (Linear) Peak)
                                               70 to 140dB / 103 to 143dB (C or Z (Linear) Peak)
Digital Display                      LCD 0.01-9999%
Criterion Level                     80, 84, 85, or 90dB
Exchange Rate                     3, 4, 5 or 6 dB
Threshold Level                   70 to 90 (1dB steps)
High Level Detector/Peak Flag     115dB, 130dB and 140dB
Response Rate                      Fast or Slow
Measurement Duration       5, 10, 15, or 30 minutes
                                                 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 24 hours
Microphone                           1/2 inch electret condenser with 31” cable
Battery Life                            >35 hrs
Event Storage                        20 surveys
USB Interface                         yes
Real time clock/calendar    yes
Dimensions/Weight:           3.8 x 2 x 1.4” (97 x 51 x 35mm) 4.2oz. (120g) incl.batteries

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