FLIR VS70 original flir instruments price in Pakistan
Display resolution 640 x 480px
Display size 5.7in (135mm)
Battery life 6 to 8hrs (integrated)
Frame rate 30fps (NTSC & PAL)
Video / image transfer SD Card or USB
Camera diameter range* 3.9mm to 28mm
Camera focal length options* Long view or short view macro
Camera length range* 0.3m to 30m
Certifications FCC
Warranty 2 years
Ordering Information
VS70-1...........................General purpose long focus wired solution
VS70-1W.......................Wireless general purpose long focus solution
VS70-2..........................Small opening short focus wired solution
VS70-3..........................Wired articulation long focus solution
VS70-3W.......................Wireless articulation long focus solution
VS70-KIT........................2-Way articulation and general purpose camera
VS70-KIT-W....................Wireless articulation and general purpose camera