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Gas Alert Micro 5 ( 5 Gas ) original honey well brand price in Pakistan

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Gas Alert Micro 5 ( 5 Gas )
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Product Description

Gas Alert Micro 5 ( 5 Gas ) original honey well brand price in Pakistan

Simultaneously monitor and display up to fi ve atmospheric
hazards with the GasAlertMicro 5. Adaptable to a variety of
applications, the GasAlertMicro 5 has an extensive selection
of user-settable fi eld options and is available as either a
standard toxic gas model, a PID model for the detection
VOCs, or an IR model for CO2 detection. Use the passcode
function to prevent unauthorized modifi cations of the
instrument’s settings. Compatible with BW’s MicroDock II
automatic test and calibration system, the GasAlertMicro 5 is
unparalleled in its versatility, performance and overall value.

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